Contact: TrV
v1.0 (2011/01)
MultiLogMonitor is aimed to be the ultimate frontend monitor for all applications or services running on a single computer which logs messages in a dedicated log text file.
As many log files as you want can be monitored. Every observed log file is monitored in a dedicated tab. Furthermore, the process itself which writes messages in the log file can be monitored.
MultiLogMonitor Win_x86|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7|48.1 ko|(2758 hits)|Download
MultiLogMonitor sources C# /
.Net_v2.0+|143.8 ko|(2104 hits)|Download
v1.1 (2010/11)
W32TimeManager is a frontend monitor and manager for Microsoft Windows time service (W32Time).
Starting from Windows 2000, every Microsoft operating system integrates a time client and server based upon NTP protocol.
W32TimeManager Win_x86|XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7|52.8 ko|(2345 hits)|Download
W32TimeManager sources C# /
.Net_v2.0+|89.8 ko|(1979 hits)|Download
W32TimeManager2000 is the Microsoft Windows 2000 version of W32TimeManager specially dedicated for this W32Time version.
W32TimeManager2000 Win_x86|2000|45.7 ko|(1912 hits)|Download
W32TimeManager2000 sources C# /
.Net_v2.0+|78.7 ko|(1920 hits)|Download
v1.7 (2011/01)
ACLCron is an ACL scheduler based on NTFS security descriptors to allow or refuse permissions to file system objects (directories or files) to users on specific date and time.
It uses SetACL, a console application to manage NTFS permissions.
(+ SetACL) Win_x86|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7|770.6 ko|(2362 hits)|Download
ACLCron sources
(+ SetACL) C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|155.3 ko|(2082 hits)|Download
v2.12 (2016/02)
Acrylic DNS Proxy Monitor is a frontend monitor for Acrylic DNS Proxy, a free personal DNS proxy server.
C# version. Requires .Net framework v2.0.
Acrylic DNS Proxy Monitor v2 Win_x86|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7|46.2 ko|(11669 hits)|Download
Acrylic DNS Proxy Monitor v2 sources C# /
.Net_v2.0+|76.7 ko|(3093 hits)|Download
v2.7 (2024/09)
m3u2cue reads content of a .m3u file (list of mp3 files) and creates the corresponding .cue file (structure file to create an audio cd).
C# version. Requires .Net framework v3.5.
m3u2cue v2 Win_x86|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 10, 11|271.3 ko|(4594 hits)|Download
m3u2cue v2 sources C# /
.Net_v3.5+|2.8 Mo|(1879 hits)|Download
v1.0 (2010/02)
BrowseFileComboBox (namespace ArqCs) is a C# class which is a customized version of native .Net combobox (System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox).
This version is especially designed for browsing and choosing a file.
ArqCs.BrowseFileComboBox sources C# /
.Net_v2.0+|2.5 ko|(1817 hits)|Download
v1.5 (2010/12)
ProcessObserver, ExecutableObserver and ServiceObserver (namespace ArqCs) are a set of C# classes whose aim is to observe if a given process (executable file or service) is running or not.
The process observer classes are aimed to run as a dedicated thread (making use of ArqCs.LoopThread).
ArqCs.ProcessObserver sources C# /
.Net_v2.0+|11.8 ko|(1825 hits)|Download
v3.0 (2013/03)
FileContentObserver (namespace ArqCs) is a C# class which allows to monitor content of a file.
Each time content is updated, an event is fired which holds update informations.
Modifications are handled by byte blocks.
The file content observer is aimed to run as a dedicated thread (making use of ArqCs.LoopThread).
ArqCs.FileContentObserver v3 sources C# /
.Net_v2.0+|15.7 ko|(1574 hits)|Download
v1.6 (2016/02)
FileEditForm (namespace ArqCs) is a file edit form which allows to edit given text file.
It is a C# class designed to work with .Net framework.
ArqCs.FileEditForm sources C# /
.Net_v2.0+|6.5 ko|(1802 hits)|Download
v2.0 (2013/03)
LoopThread (namespace ArqCs) is an abstract C# class whose aim is to simplify usage of .Net thread system in a loop-thread usage.
It is designed to work with .Net framework' Thread class, and offers possibility to set separated poll time and loop time:
- loop time is the real time between 2 successive executions of the thread, an execution referring to "what the thread must really do";
- poll time is the time between 2 polls of the thread, which means the time between 2 wakeups, useful for the thread to know if it has been asked to pause or stop.
ArqCs.LoopThread v2 sources C# /
.Net_v2.0+|6 ko|(1574 hits)|Download
v1.0 (2009/08)
FileContentObserver (namespace ArqWx) is a C++ class which allows to monitor content of a file.
Each time content is updated, an event is fired which holds update informations.
Modifications are handled line by line.
The file content observer runs in a dedicated thread (making use of ArqWx::LoopThread).
ArqWx::FileContentObserver sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|4.4 ko|(1779 hits)|Download
ArqWx::FileContentObserver example C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7|594.1 ko|(1839 hits)|Download
v1.0 (2009/08)
Notebook (namespace ArqWx) is a C++ class which extends capacities of native wxWidgets notebook.
It is designed to work with wxWidgets framework, and adds some convenient functionalities.
ArqWx::Notebook sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|2.6 ko|(1854 hits)|Download
v1.1 (2010/02)
LoopThread (namespace ArqWx) is an abstract C++ class which extends capacities of native wxWidgets thread in a loop-thread usage.
It is designed to work with wxWidgets' wxThread class, and offers possibility to set separated poll time and loop time:
- loop time is the real time between 2 successive executions of the thread, an execution referring to "what the thread must really do";
- poll time is the time between 2 polls of the thread, which means the time between 2 wakeups, usefull for the thread to know if it has been asked to pause or stop.
ArqWx::LoopThread sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|2.5 ko|(1818 hits)|Download
ArqWx::LoopThread example C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7|589.5 ko|(3339 hits)|Download
v2.1 (2011/06)
ListCtrl (namespace ArqWx) is a C++ class which extends capacities of native wxWidgets listctrl.
It is designed to work with wxWidgets framework, and adds some convenient functionalities, principally based on insertion and retrievation of value of specific types.
ArqWx::ListCtrl v2 sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|6.1 ko|(1776 hits)|Download
ArqWx::ListCtrl v2 example C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|15.6 ko|(1780 hits)|Download
v1.3 (2010/04)
FileEditDialog (namespace ArqWx) is a file edit dialog which allows to edit given text file.
It is a C++ class designed to work with wxWidgets framework.
ArqWx::FileEditDialog sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|2.7 ko|(1744 hits)|Download
SimpleFileEditor is a tiny application which makes use of ArqWx::FileEditDialog to edit chosen file.
SimpleFileEditor sources
(ArqWx::FileEditDialog example) C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7|612.2 ko|(1921 hits)|Download
v1.4 (2010/02)
DirFileDialog (namespace ArqWx) displays a dialog which allows to browse through file system to choose regardless either a file or a dir (whereas native wxWidgets controls allow to choose only a file or only a directory).
It is a C++ class designed to work with wxWidgets framework.
ArqWx::DirFileDialog sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|2.4 ko|(1791 hits)|Download
v1.2 (2010/02)
RegEx (namespace ArqWx) is a C++ class which extends capacities of native wxWidgets regular expressions management.
It is designed to work with wxWidgets framework, and adds these functionalities to original wxRegEx:
- processes whole text with a single regex pattern, thus it can extract as many matches the whole text contains;
- extracts named groups.
ArqWx::RegEx sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|4.3 ko|(1983 hits)|Download
ArqWx::RegEx example C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|6 ko|(1782 hits)|Download
v1.0 (2009/06)
ServiceManager (namespace ArqCpp) is a C++ class which allows to manage simply Windows services.
It uses Win API, and so can be used with different frameworks, amongst them wxWidgets.
ArqCpp::ServiceManager sources C++ / Win32_API|2 ko|(1817 hits)|Download
v1.1 (2005/12)
FileIni.jar is a Java class which allows to manipulate standard .ini files.
(JavaDoc included) Java_v1.4+|16.4 ko|(1918 hits)|Download
SharpDevelop is a free C#/VB.Net/Boo Integrated Development Environment.
Version 4.1 is compatible with C# v2.0/v3.x/v4.0 and is designed to work with .Net framework v2.0/v3.x/v4.0.
More information at SharpDevelop center.
It is strongly suggested to use some tools as FxCop (.Net code analysis tool) and StyleCop (code source analysis tool) which can be plugged with SharpDevelop.
The .Net framework is the Microsoft multi-language framework which can be used with C#, C++, VB.Net and J# languages (and others...).
More information at .Net framework download center.
v8.02 + Nightly build (#5322, #5911, #6181)
Code::Blocks is a free C/C++ cross-platform Integrated Development Environment based on MinGW which is updated merely every day (during night, thus giving "the nightly builds").
Below is a graphic application template for Code::Blocks, compatible with nightly build releases.
Below is also a document which specifies how to install a complete development environment with Code::Blocks, wxWidgets and a graphic application template.
It is strongly suggested to use some tools as CppCheck (static code analysis tool) which can be plugged with Code::Blocks (starting from nightly build #6080).
Code::Blocks + wxWidgets graphic application template Win_x86|4.1 ko|(1930 hits)|Download
Code::Blocks + wxWidgets + template installation procedure
(french + english) pdf|307.6 ko|(2405 hits)|Download
wxWidgets is a cross-platform framework which can be used with C++, C#/.Net, Python and Perl languages.
Below are several pre-compiled wxWidgets libraries packages.
Below are also several documents about wxWidgets.
Pre-compiled wxWidgets v2.8.12 static libraries
(compiled with gcc 4.4.1) Win_x86|32.5 Mo|(2066 hits)|Download
Pre-compiled wxWidgets v2.8.12 dynamic libraries
(compiled with gcc 4.4.1) Win_x86|28.7 Mo|(1967 hits)|Download
Pre-compiled wxWidgets v2.8.12 monolithic dynamic libraries
(compiled with gcc 4.4.1) Win_x86|30.8 Mo|(1828 hits)|Download
Pre-compiled wxWidgets v2.8.11 static libraries
(compiled with gcc 3.4.5) Win_x86|114.8 Mo|(2006 hits)|Download
Pre-compiled wxWidgets v2.8.11 dynamic libraries
(compiled with gcc 3.4.5) Win_x86|28.2 Mo|(1768 hits)|Download
Pre-compiled wxWidgets v2.8.11 monolithic dynamic libraries
(compiled with gcc 3.4.5) Win_x86|20.7 Mo|(1776 hits)|Download
Pre-compiled wxWidgets libraries installation procedure
(french + english) pdf|307.6 ko|(2405 hits)|Download
wxWidgets libraries compilation procedure
(french + english) pdf|307.6 ko|(2405 hits)|Download
DatabaseLayer is a libraries package to be used with wxWidgets framework. It provides an interface to database input/output with support for SQLite3, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Firebird and ODBC databases.
Below is a pre-compiled DatabaseLayer dynamic libraries package for MySQL access (french & english readme included).
Pre-compiled DatabaseLayer v1.7.5 dynamic libraries for MySQL access
(compiled with gcc 3.4.5) Win_x86|606.3 ko|(2401 hits)|Download
SQLQuery is a simple application which allows to read from and write data to a MySQL server.
SQLQuery sources
(DatabaseLayer MySQL libraries example) C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7|1.5 Mo|(2107 hits)|Download
v2006 Entreprise
JBuilder is a Java Integrated Development Environment first designed by Borland, now supported by Embarcadero.
Java Development Kit is the Java framework maintained by Sun.
SMTP Switch Reborn is a Thunderbird add-on which allows to change global default SMTP server on the fly when sending a message.
When moving from one location to another, you have to change the SMTP server to use the one from your current location, otherwise the message cannot be sent.
For security reasons (spams) ISP generally forbid to use a 3td party SMTP server, and only allow their SMTP servers to be used.
Note it is also released on the Mozilla add-ons web site.
SMTP Switch Reborn Thunderbird v3.0 - v60.0|32.3 ko|(1501 hits)|Download
Auto Compress File is a Thunderbird add-on which allows to compress attachment files when sending an email.
The purpose is to:
- reduce size of message (emails > 5 Mb are generally blocked by ISPs).
- archive attachment files when sending email.
Note it is also released on the Mozilla add-ons web site.
Auto Compress File Thunderbird v3.0 - v60.0|88.3 ko|(2951 hits)|Download
Subject Manager is a Thunderbird add-on which allows to manage subjects of outgoing emails.
Note it is also released on the Mozilla add-ons web site.
- Windows Forest
Subject Manager Thunderbird v3.0 - v60.0|83.7 ko|(2772 hits)|Download
Get Selected Mails is a Thunderbird add-on which allows to get easily new messages for only a selection of mail accounts using a dedicated button.
Note it is also released on the Mozilla add-ons web site.
Get Selected Mails Thunderbird v3.0 - v60.0|89.7 ko|(2777 hits)|Download
Auto Resize Image is a Thunderbird add-on which allows to resize attachment images when sending an email.
The purpose is to:
- reduce size of image files (emails > 5 Mb are generally blocked by ISPs).
- give the image convenient dimensions for it to be visible directly in email client without using scrollbars.
Here are differences with Auto Resize JPEG:
- Compatible with Thunderbird versions starting from v3.0.
- JPEG, PNG, BMP and GIF formats.
- All platforms.
Note it is also released on the Mozilla add-ons web site.
Auto Resize Image Thunderbird v3.3a1pre - v60.0|182.3 ko|(2995 hits)|Download
Inno Setup is a free software which allows to build installers, using a dedicated script language.
Below are some script templates to be used with Inno Setup.
Inno Setup simple install script template
Inno Setup v5 w/ preprocessor|75.4 ko|(1840 hits)|Download
Inno Setup script examples
Inno Setup v5|791.2 ko|(1880 hits)|Download
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