This page hosts old projects which are not maintained anymore or old versions of current projects.
Contact: TrV
v1.12 (2011/03)
Acrylic DNS Proxy Monitor is a frontend monitor for Acrylic DNS Proxy, a free personal DNS proxy server.
C++ version (not maintained anymore, please use ADPMonitor v2 instead).
Acrylic DNS Proxy Monitor v1
(ADPMonitor v1.10 included for Acrylic DNS Proxy <= v0.9.15) Win_x86|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7|1.3 Mo|(3606 hits)|Download
Acrylic DNS Proxy Monitor v1 sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|42.1 ko|(1923 hits)|Download
v1.6 (2010/03)
KUpdater performs download of virus definitions update files for Kaspersky products from version 7 to version 9 (Kaspersky Anti-Virus aka KAV and Kaspersky Internet Security aka KIS).
Useful to centralize virus definitions update files at one shared place on your network (reduces bandwidth volume).
Useful also if you're paranoid enough not to let Kaspersky access the internet.
KUpdater setup
(sets automatically Kaspersky configuration to use KUpdater) Win_x86|2000, XP, Vista, 7|996.1 ko|(2191 hits)|Download
KUpdater Win_x86|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7|681.2 ko|(1938 hits)|Download
KUpdater sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|23.6 ko|(1660 hits)|Download
v1.8 (2011/07)
m3u2cue reads content of a .m3u file (list of mp3 files) and creates the corresponding .cue file (structure file to create an audio cd).
C++ version (not maintained anymore, please use m3u2cue v2 instead).
m3u2cue v1 Win_x86|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7|562.1 ko|(3980 hits)|Download
m3u2cue v1 sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|27.1 ko|(1865 hits)|Download
v1.3 (2009/03)
DirStruCopy allows to copy directories structure from a source path to a destination folder.
Hence, only directories and structure are copied, not any file.
DirStruCopy setup
(adds a context menu item to volumes and directories) Win_x86|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7|896.2 ko|(2361 hits)|Download
DirStruCopy Win_x86|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7|599.5 ko|(1918 hits)|Download
DirStruCopy sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|8.8 ko|(1618 hits)|Download
v1.0 (2008/04)
ShMediaManager allows to activate/desactivate ShMediaManager.dll.
ShMediaManager.dll is the Windows component which analyzes and inspects any multimedia file as soon as it is pointed in Microsoft file explorer.
Unfortunately this component is also often responsible for file-locking problems which prevent to move or delete files while the dll hasn't ended its analyze yet.
ShMediaManager Win_x86|XP, 2003|591.1 ko|(1860 hits)|Download
ShMediaManager sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|3.9 ko|(1648 hits)|Download
v1.3 (2009/08)
FilesListSearch allows to look for pathless files of a files list in a folder and create a new files list updated with path of found files.
FilesListSearch Win_x86|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7|600.6 ko|(1913 hits)|Download
FilesListSearch sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|15.5 ko|(1690 hits)|Download
v1.3 (2010/03)
Tftpd32-DHCP is a frontend to manage DHCP reservations for Tftpd32 directly with Windows registry.
Tftpd32-DHCP Win_x86|2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7|629.3 ko|(2325 hits)|Download
Tftpd32-DHCP sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|19.5 ko|(1733 hits)|Download
v2.0 (2011/01) - v1.3 (2011/01)
FileContentObserver (namespace ArqCs) is a C# class which allows to monitor content of a file.
Each time content is updated, an event is fired which holds update informations.
Modifications are handled by byte blocks.
The file content observer is aimed to run as a dedicated thread (making use of ArqCs.LoopThread).
ArqCs.FileContentObserver v2 sources C# /
.Net_v2.0+|7.2 ko|(1466 hits)|Download
ArqCs.FileContentObserver v1 sources C# /
.Net_v2.0+|7 ko|(1455 hits)|Download
v1.4 (2010/12)
LoopThread (namespace ArqCs) is an abstract C# class whose aim is to simplify usage of .Net thread system in a loop-thread usage.
It is designed to work with .Net framework' Thread class, and offers possibility to set separated poll time and loop time:
- loop time is the real time between 2 successive executions of the thread, an execution referring to "what the thread must really do";
- poll time is the time between 2 polls of the thread, which means the time between 2 wakeups, useful for the thread to know if it has been asked to pause or stop.
ArqCs.LoopThread v1 sources C# /
.Net_v2.0+|2.4 ko|(1620 hits)|Download
v1.2 (2009/12)
ListCtrl (namespace ArqWx) is a C++ class which extends capacities of native wxWidgets listctrl.
It is designed to work with wxWidgets framework, and adds some convenient functionalities, principally based on insertion and retrievation of value of specific types.
ArqWx::ListCtrl v1 sources C++ /
wxWidgets_v2.8.7+|1.8 ko|(1352 hits)|Download
Auto Resize JPEG is a Thunderbird add-on which allows to resize attachment images when sending an email.
The purpose is to:
- reduce size of image files (emails > 5 Mb are generally blocked by ISPs).
- give the image convenient dimensions for it to be visible directly in email client without using scrollbars.
Here are differences with Auto Resize Image:
- Compatible with Thunderbird versions from v1.5 to v3.2a1pre (no plan to support newer versions, use Auto Resize Image instead).
- JPEG format only.
- Windows only.
- Requires .Net framework 2.0 or higher (already embedded in Windows Vista or Windows 7).
Please note that THIS ADDON IS NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE: use Auto Resize Image instead. Thanks.
I am not the original creator of this add-on, but the current developer/maintainer.
Note it is also released on the Mozilla add-ons web site.
Auto Resize JPEG Thunderbird v1.5 - v3.2a1pre /
Windows|218.9 ko|(2151 hits)|Download
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