This website hosts a bunch of little development projects of my own.
Nothin' marvellous, just tools i needed, found useful and finally decided to develop myself because i couldn't find something similar on the web.
Everything is given as is without any guarantee. Contact me in case of problems, or for any other need.
All these softs are "Be Nice 2 Send Me Some Reviews Comments or Thanks"-wares ;)
But if you ever feel like you want to make some donation: Go to paypal
Contact: TrV
- 2024/09/09: Update: m3u2cue v2.7.
- 2018/06/03: Update: m3u2cue v2.6.
- 2017/08/27: Update: m3u2cue v2.5.
- 2016/10/10: New: SMTP Switch Reborn.
- 2016/02/01: Update: ADPMonitor v2.12.
- 2016/02/01: Update: ArqCs.FileEditForm v1.6.
- 2013/03/16: New design of this website with separate sections Goodies and Oldies.
- 2013/03/13: New: ArqCs.FileContentObserver v3.0.
ArqCs.LoopThread v2.0.
- 2013/02/19: New: m3u2cue v2.0.
- 2011/07/15: New: Auto Compress File.
- 2011/07/02: Update: m3u2cue v1.8.
- 2011/06/02: Update: ArqWx::ListCtrl v2.1.
- 2011/03/05: Update: ADPMonitor v1.12.
- 2011/02/13: New: MultiLogMonitor v1.0.
- 2011/01/20: New: ArqCs.FileContentObserver v2.0.
- 2011/01/14: Update: ArqCs.FileContentObserver v1.3.
- 2011/01/02: Update: ACLCron v1.7.
- 2010/12/21: Update: ArqCs.ProcessObserver v1.5.
- 2010/12/12: Update: ArqCs.LoopThread v1.4.
- 2010/11/30: Update: W32TimeManager v1.1.
- 2010/08/08: New: Subject Manager.
- 2010/06/04: New: Get Selected Mails.
- 2010/05/12: New: Auto Resize Image.
- 2010/04/07: Update: ArqWx::FileEditDialog v1.3.
- 2010/04/01: New: Auto Resize JPEG.
- 2010/03/19: Update: KUpdater v1.6.
- 2010/03/09: Update: Tftpd32-DHCP v1.3.
- 2010/02/20: All namespaces have been renamed: "wxTrV" to "ArqWx", "cppTrV" to "ArqCpp", "csTrV" to "ArqCs".
- 2010/02/19: Update: ArqWx::DirFileDialog v1.4.
- 2010/02/18: Update: ArqWx::LoopThread v1.1.
- 2010/02/17: Update: ArqWx::RegEx v1.2.
- 2010/02/13: New: ArqCs.BrowseFileComboBox v1.0.
ArqCs.ProcessObserver v1.0.
- 2010/02/05: New: ArqCs.FileContentObserver v1.0.
- 2010/01/07: New: W32TimeManager v1.0.
- 2009/08/21: New: ArqWx::FileContentObserver v1.0.
- 2009/08/16: Update: FilesListSearch v1.3.
- 2009/08/12: New: ArqWx::Notebook v1.0.
- 2009/07/29: New: ArqCs.FileEditForm v1.0.
- 2009/07/28: New: ADPMonitor v2.0.
- 2009/06/21: New: ArqWx::LoopThread v1.0.
ArqCs.LoopThread v1.0.
- 2009/06/13: New: ArqCpp::ServiceManager v1.0.
- 2009/03/13: New: ArqWx::ListCtrl v1.0.
- 2009/03/12: Update: DirStruCopy v1.3.
- 2009/02/10: New: ArqWx::FileEditDialog v1.0.
- 2009/02/08: New: ArqWx::DirFileDialog v1.0.
- 2008/12/13: New: ACLCron v1.0.
- 2008/11/29: New: ArqWx::RegEx v1.0.
- 2008/10/10: New: Inno Setup templates.
- 2008/09/24: New: ADPMonitor v1.0.
- 2008/08/04: New: KUpdater v1.0.
- 2008/06/26: First release of this website: FileIni.jar v1.1,
Tftpd32-DHCP v1.1,
FilesListSearch v1.1,
ShMediaManager v1.0,
DirStruCopy v1.2,
m3u2cue v1.0.
Content by TrV | Web design by TrV | XHTML v1.0 strict compliant and CSS v3.0 compliant